Terms of Service

Section I: Our Promise to You

Write Here, Write Now (also referred to as “WHWN”) agrees to provide you with full access to our training and group coaching program, “The Ultimate Drafting Workshop for Fiction Writers.”


As a participant in “The Ultimate Drafting Workshop for Fiction Writers,” you will have access to the online training portal of

Write Here, Write Now (located at coaching.writeherewritenow.org) for the life of the WHWN company. You will also have access to the live coaching calls for a period of 29 weeks until your graduation date.

Provided you have completed the training and made progress on your writing journey by your graduation date, we promise to keep working with you on your novel for an additional period of six (6) months, so long as you continue to follow our advice and practices as given.

Section II: Provision of Service

WHWN provides an online group coaching space for struggling fiction writers, looking to complete a book project of their choosing. It is imperative you understand that WHWN’s coaching program,

“The Ultimate Drafting Workshop,” is meant to help writers optimize their writing practice—that is, the routines, behaviors, attitudes, mindsets, and development strategies they bring to the writing process.


This workshop is not meant to better the quality of the written work itself. Feedback on the quality of written work generated in the drafting process will not be given. Editorial services will not

be rendered. At no point will you be asked to submit pages of your creative writing, nor should you ever attempt to submit pages of your creative writing for review.

Additionally, though Regan Humphrey (WHWN’s founder and chief writing coach) is a psychologist, though WHWN’s coaching programs are trauma-informed and have been developed with the intention psychological alignment, and though writers in our coaching programs may choose to write about traumatic or otherwise psychologically sensitive subjects, WHWN is not a therapy space. 

Regan is not a personal therapist to any client in this program, and should not be approached or pressured to act as such. Regan may, as needed, engage with you about your mental health history insofar as to guide your writing practice, but discussion of these subjects will be limited to recorded videos she sends to you.

To ensure high-quality service for both you and other clients in the program, it is of the utmost importance that personal and professional boundaries in this coaching space be respected. Please understand that to avoid parallelism with clinical psychotherapy, at no point will Regan engage with clients about their trauma or mental health histories in a live one-on-one setting, and under no circumstances should she be approached or pressured to connect in a live one-on-one setting about these subjects.

In the event that writing your novel triggers a mental health emergency, Regan should not be contacted as an emergency psychological healthcare provider. In the event that writing your novel generates emotional stimuli you need to process or unpack, Regan should not be contacted to act as a sounding board or as a personal support to you.


While writing your novel may be a part of your personal healing journey, the purpose of WHWN is not to provide a healing space for writers and should not be treated as such.


We are committed to providing all participants with a positive experience. Thus, WHWN may, at its sole discretion, limit, suspend, or terminate your participation in any of its programs (live, recorded, social media-based or digital) without refund or forgiveness of remaining payments if: 

(A) you become disruptive, abusive, or difficult to work with;

(B) you impair the participation of our instructors or participants in our program(s);

(C) you disregard, disrespect, or otherwise disturb the personal and professional boundaries put in place to keep our instructors and participants safe.

The provision of service of the WHWN coaching program is subject to change. WHWN reserves the right to amend, alter, add to, or take away from the online training materials, group call schedule, and support provisions at any time.

Section III: Privacy & Confidentiality

We respect your privacy and must insist that you respect the privacy of fellow program participants. The content of all materials (worksheets, exercises, and plans) submitted to our coaching staff will be held in absolute confidence.

We respect your confidential and proprietary information, ideas, plans, and trade secrets (collectively, “Confidential Information”) and must insist that you respect the same rights of fellow program participants and of the Company. 

Thus, you agree: Client data shall at all times remain the property of the client. The client shall ensure (and is exclusively responsible for) the accuracy, quality, integrity, and legality of the client data and that its use (including use in connection with any of our programs) complies with all applicable laws and Intellectual Property Rights.

Write Here, Write Now shall maintain the confidentiality of the client data and shall not, without the prior written consent of the client or in accordance with this contract, disclose client data. Write Here, Write Now shall implement technical and organizational security measures in accordance with relevant laws to keep confidential client information secure.

Under no circumstances will Write Here, Write Now undertake to disclose client data to any person(s) or organization(s) outside of the company. And within the company, client data will only be disclosed to WHWN’s officers, employees, agents, contractors, and direct and indirect subcontractors, in the event that such disclosure is necessary for the purposes contemplated under the contract or as otherwise reasonably necessary for the provision or receipt of the program, and shall be responsible to the client for any acts or omissions of any of the persons referred to.

WHWN will protect the confidentiality and security of client data, as if our own. While you are free to discuss your individual results from our programs and training, you must keep the experiences, training, financial agreements, contractual agreements and statements, oral or written, of the program and all other participants in the strictest of confidence, as will we. 

Section IV: Disclaimer of Liability

The information and training provided by Write Here, Write Now is for information purposes only. All information is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the site.

In consideration of Write Here, Write Now, you acknowledge and agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, WHWN and our staff, coaches and contractors do not:

(A) accept any responsibility or liability for any regulations, laws or rules broken by you with respect to your use of our program, advice or activity. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to verify the legality of any and all operations and activities undertaken by you.

(B) accept any responsibility for any loss, injury, damages or claims incurred by you during or following your participation in our programs or training.

Section V: Terms of Sale

We are only able to help committed people. Therefore, you hereby ratify your understanding that because the program is digital in nature and immediately accessible for download, and because there is a significant cost to WHWN when onboarding new clients,

all program sales are final and non-refundable and there is no cooling-off period.


You hereby also agree that a change of mind or personal circumstances after the sale has been made is not a valid justification for a refund unless the terms of the money-back guarantee below have also been met. You agree that you have had ample time to make an educated decision about working with Write Here, Write Now. You also agree that you do not have any disabilities or impairments that would prevent you from completing our program. This does not affect your statutory rights.

Our money-back guarantee policy is as follows: You are entitled to a refund of the course fees paid to Write Here, Write Now only if you:

(A) complete and execute consistently all action items from all modules in the training program and upload the completed worksheets via Google Drive and share them with Regan Humphrey via [email protected], upon request of a refund (it is not necessary to send them before);

(B) demonstrate that you have followed all of the advice given with regards to planning and writing your novel, as per our instructions consistently over a 29 week time frame respectively, after completing all of the training and beginning your drafting cycle.

(C) have checked in with us weekly to help you manage your novel writing challenges.

If following all of these steps, you can demonstrate with evidence beyond doubt that you made no progress in the advancement of your writing journey, then a refund of the course fees paid will be granted within 30 days of the receipt of the refund request.


For your records, our business tax ID number is 84-2167275. WHWN is a division of Rex Regis International, a corporation registered in the state of Georgia in the United States of America.

Entire Agreement. This Agreement is the final, complete and exclusive agreement of the parties. No modification of or amendment to this agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by each of the parties. 

Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any action arising under this agreement is in the state court system of Georgia, USA, and both parties consent to the jurisdiction of, and irrevocably waive any objection to venue in courts for this purpose. In any action or proceeding to enforce this agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover from the other party its costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred in connection with that action or proceeding and enforcing any judgment or order obtained. 

Section VI: Complaints Procedure

Write Here, Write Now is committed to providing high-quality service to all our clients. If we fall short of your expectations, please notify us at [email protected], so that we can improve our standards and service.

While we rarely receive complaints about our service, we believe that it is important for any quality-focused business to have a published Complaints Policy. We encourage anyone who is dissatisfied with our service in any way to let us know so that we can continue to improve.

Below is our complaints procedure. Overall responsibility for this Complaints Policy and the implementation thereof lies with the founder of Write Here, Write Now, whose principal place of business is 11770 Haynes Bridge Road, Suite 205-328, Alpharetta, GA, 30009.

This Complaints Policy is regularly reviewed and updated as required.

If you have any cause to complain about us or any of our staff and your complaint in any way relates to our provision of the services then you agree in the first instance:

(A) to put your complaint in writing to Write Here, Write Now using the address above or for a swifter response, by email to the address of [email protected];

(B) not to publish (or cause the publication of) your complaint any more widely whether orally to third persons, in writing to third persons or to the world at large through the use of the internet.

We will investigate your complaint and give our considered response to it within 21 days of your complaint being received.

If you accept any settlement outcome offered by us in our written or verbal response to your complaint, then that settlement outcome will be implemented in full and final settlement and the terms of settlement shall remain private and confidential between the parties (or any legal advisors if applicable).

If you are unhappy with our response to your complaint then you must refer your complaint to an independent, accredited, licensed professional mediator to seek resolution through mediation. Only if a formal mediation arranged by your chosen mediation professional fails to resolve your complaint can you take the opportunity to put your complaint to a court (and in such a case the Georgia courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine your complaint).

For the avoidance of any doubt, your obligation not to publish shall be an on-going obligation until (but not beyond) the delivery of a final judgment in open court on any legal claim which you commence in accordance with the provisions of this clause.

If you have any questions or require further information about any aspect of this Complaints Policy, please contact us using the address above or by [email protected].

Section VII: License

All intellectual property rights in or arising out of or in connection with WHWN’s website, programs and materials will be owned by WHWN solely.

Write Here, Write Now hereby grants the client with a revocable, nonexclusive royalty-free license to use WHWN intellectual property for the duration of a program the client has purchased. Any intellectual property the client makes using materials from WHWN programs and materials are owned solely by the client.


You acquire no rights or licenses in or to any trademarks, service marks, trade names or copyrights displayed on the site, training or materials. You may not reproduce, republish, distribute, assign, sublicense, retransmit, sell, or prepare derivative works of the site or content, or resell or make our service available to others. All rights in and to the site, service and our content not expressly granted in this agreement remain in us or in our licensors.

You acquire no ownership or other interest in, or another license to, any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right or to the Content owned by Write Here, Write Now. You acquire no rights or licenses in or to any trademarks, service marks, trade names or copyrights displayed on the Site. You may not reproduce, republish, distribute, assign, sublicense, retransmit, sell, or prepare derivative works of the site or content, or resell or make our service available to others. All rights in and to the site, service and our content not expressly granted in this agreement remain in us or in our licensors.

When accessing the site or using the content or service, you agree to obey the law and to respect the intellectual property rights of others. Your use of the service, content, and site is at all times governed by and subject to laws regarding intellectual property ownership. You agree not to upload, download, display, perform, transmit, or otherwise distribute any information or content in violation of any third party’s copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property or proprietary rights. You agree to abide by laws regarding intellectual property ownership and use, and you shall be solely responsible for any violations of any relevant laws and for any infringements of third party rights caused by any content you provide or transmit, or that is provided or transmitted using your user name. The burden of proving that any content does not violate any laws or third party rights rests solely with you.

If you use the site or our service in a manner that exceeds the scope of this license or breaches any relevant agreement, your license shall terminate immediately.

* Representations made by Write Here, Write Now are aspirational statements only of your potential.

These results are not typical and results will vary.

The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing.

We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.

Copyright 2023 | WHWN. All Rights Reserved.